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ergorest 330000

Product id: 330000

Support and ergonomics for all work involving display screen equipment.

The Ergorest 330 000 is a basic model which provides help for those working with display screen equipment, which places strain on the arms, neck and back.

It supports the arms, thereby preventing occupational health problems, easing the tension caused by working with computers and helps guide the body to the correct working posture.

Ergorest forearm supports are designed with functionality in mind

Their durable double support structure is made of cast aluminium and guarantees firm support and an unlimited range of movement. The support pad is upholstered in genuine leather, making it easy to maintain and a pleasure to use.

The 330 series also includes the Ergorest 330 013, which is equipped with a longer support structure and has a larger operating radius, and the Ergorest 330 016, which is equipped with a longer support pad providing more support surface area.

ergorest ergorest_330_011_01_w_web

Product id: 330011

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